The Project List General

-Ref Date- -Link Button- -Comments-
1/9/2021 ESP32 Aux Ctl of remote radio station
2/18/2020 Software linksTonne Software
6/18/2019 Arduino State of Arduino: Watch Massimo Banzi’s Address From Maker Faire Bay Area 2019
6/18/2019 Arduino Arduino Unveils New Nano Family of Boards
2/20/2019 Balancing Robot Your Arduino Balancing Robot (YABR)
5/22/2019 Maidenhead Printout of GPS_Nano03.pdf:
Interface to GPS Unit RefL:Rui Santos see
Convert decimal Lat & Long to Maidenhead Grid Square by Steve WA3RTC 5/2019
Convert from UTC to EST or EDT, 12 or 24 hour format if EST or EDT
Use RTC for display of time with correction to the GPS supplied time
to allow for time display with loss of signal from satellites
Library: Wire.h
Library: LiquidCrystal_I2C.h (Uses a 20 chars and 4 line display)
Library: TinyGPS++.h (Interface with NEO-6M. NEO-6M GPS module)
Library: SoftwareSerial.h
Library: RTClib.h
5/22/2019 Maidenhead GPS_Nano03.txt (can be copied and pasted into an Arduino IDE sketch
5/19/2019 Maidenhead Arduiniana Arduino wisdom and gems by Mikal Hart
TinyGPS++ A *NEW* Full-featured GPS/NMEA Parser for Arduino
2/19/2019 Maidenhead What Are Maidenhed Grid Squares?
2/19/2019 Maidenhead How to calculate you 8-digit grid square
11/22/2018 DuinoVOX More details on the audio side of a USB interface. Ref from Oct 2018 QST
6/22/2018 DuinoVOX DuinoVOX USB Schmatic modified for current project
4/5/2018 DuinoVOX DuinoVOX USB Software (in .txt file format)
4/20/2018 DuinoVOX DuinoVOX USB Software Flow Chart
2/20/2018 DuinoVOX DuinoVOX USB digital modes interface for Ham Radio. Easy to build! By KB9RLW